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- #4 Public University in the Nation
- 97% Retention Rate
- 94% Graduation Rate (Highest Among Public Universities)
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June 8, 2023
There are three required pieces of writing on our application: the Common App essay and two shorter responses that are specific to UVA. The Common App prompts are on their website. Our prompts are below.
As always, I'm happy to answer questions you submit in the comments.
2023-2021 First-Year Application Writing Prompts
1. We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse...
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June 4, 2023
I've gotten your emails, comments, and DMs asking about our admission policies for next year. I promised to share any changes that UVA leadership made as soon as possible. I have a two updates to share today...
Given the uncertain prospect of universally accessible, reliable and equitable SAT/ACT testing in the next admission year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Virginia will...
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May 18, 2023
Hello, everyone! I'm stepping back into the blog after weeks of student takeovers to let you know some more about this year's waiting list. If you haven't read the Waiting List FAQ page (linked in your letter) and the first post about the waiting list on this blog, those might be helpful.
During our 4/21 question and answer session on Instagram, I shared that we would be making waiting list...
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If you're a Virginia student, this blog post might be of interest! Even though Kelley didn't travel too far to go to college, she's made a new home at UVA.
As a reminder, if you are viewing this on a mobile device, you'll want to click the "View Web Version" link at the bottom to get the Disqus comment box to appear.
Hi guys! My name is Kelley and I’m from Fredericksburg, Virginia. I’m a...
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April 28, 2023
This is a repost from December because it seems some folks missed it the first time around...
I've had a hands-off approach to Facebook over the years, except when I see companies trying to be part of groups that should be left to students. It seems it's happening again. There is ONE Facebook group for the Class of 2024 that is being run by current UVA students without an agenda.The Class of...
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April 27, 2023
Alexi is a member of one of the premier dance orgnaizations at UVA, so it's fitting that she is providing an introduction to getting involved in the arts at UVA. If you're interested in studying or being involved in the arts here, don't miss the UVA Arts website!
As a reminder, if you are viewing this on a mobile device, you'll want to click the "View Web Version" link at the bottom to get the...
Early Decision Deadline: November 1
Early Action Deadline: November 1
Regular Decision Deadline: January 1